Used to Be

I used to believe in fairy tales.
Princesses and dragons, princes and tea parties, fairies, goblins, unicorns. Walking trees and talking bees, fireplaces that crackled and mattresses with peas. Lamps, cauldrons, flying carpets.

I used to believe in dreams.

I used to believe in doors.
Tall doors, thin doors, fat doors, thick doors. Stubborn doors that refused to bulge. Kindly doors that yielded to the touch. Secret passwords and rusty keys. Eat this, drink that, enter. Ponder this, recite that, step right in.

I used to believe in magic.


I used to believe there was a time and place.
That everything happens for a reason.

But who’s to say you didn’t already miss the place at the right time, or the time at the right place?




I used to believe that someone was out there.
Waiting for me.


But the only one waiting…

Was me.

word count: 153
Thank you 2019, hello 2020

A Penny for Your Thoughts: